Past Shows and Bloggy Stuffs
Entries by Don Tiki (29)
Now THAT'S What I'm Talkin' 'Bout...
Delmar DeWilde sez HEY und ALOHA! In the spirit of Equity and Equality thru Exotica (that's EEE for short) the Chief Justices WILL NOT be invited to "DON TIKI'S ALOHA TOWER OF LOVE" Sunday, February 14th -but YOU certainly ARE! No corporate sponsorship necessary... New tunes! New Hi-Jinx! New Low-Jinx! NEW LOVE!!! Valentines, start your engines! -Delzilla
Hey! It's gonna be loads more fun than a bio-class! Be part of our "LOVE POTION" field tests VALENTINE's DAY at ALOHA TOWER! That's Doctor Del's perscription for Pleasure!
It's easy to see the appeal in super-charging one's own exotic sacraments with DRY ICE in order to further partake of the DON TIKI communion and to further mystify one's own personal experience. Who wouldn't? A Tiki-licious world is a better world. HOWEVER, information came to light AFTER the Lux-O-Lab tests were conducted that needs to be made clear to all mixicologists and Tiki fuelers alike: There IS a distinct and unpalatable difference between the food-grade DRY ICE obtained for these Xperiments on the Left Coast and the CO2 variety available in the Tropix: GLYCOL. Think anti-freeze. A little dab of GLYCOL is used in the production of DRY ICE by Hawaii's only producer (Gaspro/Airgas) to help stabilize it for the tropical climate -and a little dab'll do ya. Thus, DRY ICE produced in Hawaii can be applied for its evocative and decorative effect or utilized in celemonies of worship -but not ingested, dig? So, OF the drink, not IN the drink. Got that? I see a hand up. Did you have a question or need a prescription for something?-Delmar DeWilde, your designated driver...