
Our agents on Planet Hypnoticon have observed many new swirling centers of Exotica Ether Activity (EEA) down here on the good ol' Mothership within the past ten daze. Seems the atmosphere is being super-charged by beneficial Tiki-Neuro-Toxins (TNT) released by every viewing of the new DON TIKI featurette that's running in the current Hawaiian Airlines in-flight video magazine -and accessible thru any well-trained cornputor, in-flight or terrestrial. FINALLY! A sideshow you can believe in. Take a gander - Take the pledge...

Reader Comments (3)
Hello n' Aloha! This is for your percussionist Paco. I don't know if you know of me but I know of you. I'm the guy from the mainland thats really into your sister in law. I know that sounds weird but I don't know how to put it : ) Anywho I don't know where or who to go to. I'm worried about whats going on and I don't have a number to call since hers got cut off. Havn't heard anything since valentines. Please if you can help that would be fantastic. Again, I know its crazy to ask of that since we don't know eachother, but i'll do anything for her. Please n' thank you. Oh plus her said the Don Tiki Show Rocks! Peace...
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