you guys played without me!! waa waa waah!!! :...(
you was sposed to tell me so's I could have excuse to come home, remember??
kisses anyway
sad lola
Sorry sweetie, not enuf $$ to buy the airline tix or pay ya, and I never like make you pay! We only did 6 show songs as well.
yes yes yes of course i want to go to the ends of the earth with ya silly!
I do miss our wacky Ms Lola like crazy, and dread that some day the demands of her nascent acting career will have her merely looking back fondly at that olʻ DT Performance Experience. But, if anyone can game the LA way of operating, it is she. Successful acting career? Check! Leave the city for play in our ephemeral world at the drop of a tiki helmet? Check! And checkmate!
Lola darling, the tears dropping from your One Good Eye [ :...( ] nail me erry time.
As for the sui-generis Mr Del, his fascination for the sensory emanations of the world-notorious durian bore fruit (sorry) during his recent sojourn into Pookapooka Cityʻs rankest Chinatown markets. Perhaps a durian-infused tikidrinky will spring forth direct from that constant Athenian ferment (sorry again) that is the Delving Delmar Mind ... to which I feel I must append this caveat: drink only if you dare. And regarding a new tune, well, Delʻs sincere and unsolicited sniffage documented in the recording of "In Thailand" surely points the way toward what-all THAT would become. Avanti.
Oddadendat, notting foʻ tell -- ovah anʻ out,